Local Village Trail

Nr on map: 9-16

Gesunda was a shack to Sollerön for several hundred years. Pasture became too scarce on Sollerön and then the shacks appeared on the mainland. Cows, sheep and horses were transported by boat across the Siljan in the early summer and then returned in the autumn.

A bridge connection was inaugurated in 1892 and then Gesunda grew and soon had a permanent population. In 1919, Gesunda was registered as a village. Today, around 350 people live in the growing village.

9Gesunda Bystuga is the gathering point in the village. There are 12 pitches for caravans/mobile homes as well as newly built toilets and showers. Right next to it you find ”Sweden’s most beautiful Prayer House”, built in 1886-87 and renovated in 1972. The Prayer House includes the old bell tower that rings in weekend prayers on Saturdays at 6 p.m.

10Måstäpp” is a historic place for Swedish folk music is called Måstäpp. Here, Anders Zorn arranged Sweden’s first fiddler’s meeting on September 1, 1906. Fiddlers and horn players flocked. It was a the real and serious beginning for Swedish folk music. Today, folk music is heard in fiddler’s houses all over Sweden. But, remember that it was here in Gesunda that it all started. A memorial stone marks the historic site.

11The Sacrifice Stone. A large sandstone slab, 1.3 m long and 1.05 m wide. On the upper side there are approx. 25 so-called bowl pits carved by hand. Fires were probably set in these to appease the gods. The stove is located on top of a granite slab.

12The sawmill. An oasis in the forest on the way to Gesundaberget. Hike the electric light trail here, then you easily find your way. A ripple is heard from the water flowing out of the pond. Settle down by the slog shed, light a fire and enjoy the peace and quiet. A place for contemplation.

13Lundgården. The only remained and untouched shack in Gesunda. In 1840 there were 75 farms in Gesunda . Many remained until the Second World War, but the only one that remains today is Lundgården . Provides a unique insight into how our ancestors lived and worked more than a hundred years ago.

13The helm boat. There is only one copy left of the so-called ”Sturbåtn”. And it can be found in an old boathouse in Gesunda . The ”Sturbåtn” was used to transport the animals from Sollerön to Gesunda where the bait was. In 1845, a total of 6,500 animals were shipped over in ” Sturbåtar.”

15The fairytale land of Tomteland. Santa has been joined by several fairy-tale worlds. Here you can find Trollryke, Drakland, Skogsmottebyn, Elvornas Rike, Sagotorget, Enchanted Forest and other magical places. You are the hero in the middle of all the adventures with living elves, dragons, fairies, elves and goblins. The adventure is outdoors in the 18-hectare park. Sometimes as musical performances and sometimes as exciting activities where you and the fairytale characters get up to mischief and fun together. Tomteland has been awarded awards for its performances. www.tomteland.se

16Gesundaberget. The pride of the village rises 514 m above sea level and a full 350 meters above Siljan’s surface. The drop height is 290 metres, so you feel it in your lungs and legs when climbing. From the top, the view of Siljansbygden is magnificent. No less than 7 churches are visible from here. Gesundaberget is a so-called Geosite, within the Ring of Siljans, which was formed by the great meteorite impact about 377 million years ago. A ”must” for you as a visitor, whether you hike or bike. A paradise for paragliders. www.gesundaberget.se